What a beautiful afternoon on the water! Billy E, George and I shared Ego beach with a few pods of dolphin today. Super light South winds (average 10, absolute peak gust 15), crystal clear water (you could literally see the bottom), and a waist to head high swell all combined to provide a really fun stand up paddle and longboard sailing session! We caught a few great waves with the paddle, but the chop built up just enough to make it tricky... so we tossed a sail on the boards and were good to go!
Billy on a nice left!

It's pretty tough to convey the sensation of cruising along with a pod of dolphin flanking and surfacing all around you.... Imagine the pictures you've seen of dolphin jumping in the bow wake of motor boats. Now, get rid of the noise of the engine. Total silence. Finally, put your feet two inches above sea level on a 26 inch wide plank... Wow...
I'm chasing the section (thanks Caleb for the pic)

Looks like a lot of fun! What board are you on?
Hey PP, that's the (discontinued) 2007 Starboard 12'2". Awesome product, well thought out as far as bits and pieces and conveniences goes. I can't wait to get the '08s in for some "R+D"! Billy was on an Amundson, making it look pretty sweet, too!
These boards are unreal. You literally become skunk-proof with one!!
comin down on the 10th.
what's the ocean temp like?
So no big wind yesterday but this morning?
gonna pick me up at airport EC
Ocean is mid 50s south of Rodanthe, mid 40s north (pea island, kdh, etc), and mid 70s a few miles out......
Had some wind yesterday and this am, report coming soon!!
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