Stocked to the gills! Shiny new shticks for your quiver!
This was one of those perfectly fun days, where anyone with a decent waterstart could have had a good time out there! Warm SW winds powered my 5.0 (most of the time) through the waist to head high sets. There were a bunch of people out, most of the locals and a few visitors challenging the Atlantic. If you really looked hard, you could find an occasional head high set, but most of the waves were smaller and weaker, so the sesh was relatively low risk. I took quite a few on the head, actually, and came up unscathed everytime, so no big deal!
What an awesome setup! Could you ask for anything more?! (except maybe a focused picture!)
Moment of note: well powered off the beach, as a big set slowly made it's way in, I launched into a huge, really lofty, controlled, smooooth back loop! Of course, I botched the landing, but the setup, launch, initiation, and follow through just felt absolutely perfect (until I slammed into the water)! Other than that, I was able to get off a bunch of forward loops, and caught a handful of really fun waves, although the wave rides were really hard to link up with all the warbles, cross chop, and current on the faces... Still, a super fun session!
Jim K on a big closeout!
Billy bottom turns as Dave launches!
At sunset, I crossed back over the dunes, and got in a half hour freestyle sesh in the sound. It's really fun to blast around, watch the sunset, and get rad! I had the place to myself, so no need to look before jibing, just throw and go whenever, wherever you want! Nabbed a few good spocks, no 540s, and spent a lot of time in the drink! Good fun, and I think I put on a pretty good show for all the sunset watchers (there were lots of 'em tonight)!
One last thing: Charlie and Dan get the Lazy Awards for the day, for driving all the way around from Canadian Hole to Ego Beach, instead of just carrying their stuff over the dunes! LAZY!!! :)
talk about lazy I was so damn tierd after that I almost droped my stuff on the beach and drove around hahaha
dude - it looks like I really missed it huh? Well the good news is that I got a lot of work done but I'm absolutely starving for some time in the water!
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