The lighthouse is pretty singular in that the waves have serious punch here, they're always bigger than they look from the beach, and the outside is always WAY bigger than you would think it would be. All of those rules applied today! It looked about knee high from the beach, with an occasional whitecap on the outside. ummmmm nope! There were some sets pushing head high on the inside bar, and the outside, well, let's just say, those weren't whitecaps... They were logo high ocean swell jacking up and breaking just about anywhere they pleased. This was one of those days where you just never feel comfortable on the outside, like somethings about to eat you!
Not to mention the wind was just cranking! I was lit on my 5.0, barely able to hang on. I didn't realize this fact on my first pass out, so of course I jumped just as high as I could off the first piece of vertical swell I saw... Which ended up dropping out from underneath me to reveal a Huge trough behind it, and insane amounts of sail power to boot! Bigggg jumps, yow....
Anyway, no pics of the sesh because I was the only one there! I do, however, have some shots of Jim K and Stuart from Saturday, sailing warm SW winds at Ego beach, and Drew and David at the Hole! Enjoy!
Jim K, going up!
Stuart throws some spray!
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