I know, I know, I've been leaving y'all hanging for the last few days... It hasn't been for lack of conditions, it's been due to not really getting out of bed or off the couch! I'm finally starting to feel a bit better now, and I always say this, but you just never appreciate feeling healthy until you get sick! So if you feel good today, go outside and take a walk, because tomorrow you might just be bedridden for awhile!
So I've chalked up a few "missed its" on my calendar, but I think by this evening if the wind is still cranking I'm going to have to hit it up for a short session. It's warm (70+), with moderate SW breeze... tough to pass up!
Anyway, in the meantime, check out these few pages of gnarliness from
This one is a couple of local NUTS tow surfing the way way way outer bars off of Buxton during the macking swell from a few days ago. These kids are insane, and are definitely pushing the limits of local surfing!
This next one is from the same day (I think) up in Kitty Hawk. Pretty rad, too! Big waves, for sure.
If you need a windsurf fix, surf over
here to watch a video of the March 5th speed runs in France! *Note: you have to click the "watch it" button for the video to start loading! If you're out of the loop, this is the day Antione Albeau became the fastest sail powered man, worldwide, ever, when he hit a 500 meter run at 49.09 knots (56.49 mph)! Nice editing job. This movie gives a great feel for the spot on the canal. It's gotta make you think a bit, too: These guys are hitting highway speeds, so let's make some comparisons. First, and most obvious, are the safety differences, such as lack of seat belts, airbags, anti-crush zones, etc. Luckily, the chances of them being hit by an oncoming mack truck are very limited! Second, is the layout of the area, and their sailing zones. The canal is only 30 meters wide, comparable to maybe a two lane highway? If you watch the video, the sailors are virtually hanging their butts over solid ground while ripping down the course! No breakdown lane or wide shoulder area! Scary, how precise they have to be, at the speeds they're going!
If you scroll further down, they've also got some of the Cabo Verde wave contest on file!
WindsurfJournal.com should be a daily click for any sailor out there, lots of great stuff on that site!