Well, I thought the picture that I posted yesterday was pretty obviously manipulated, but apparently I April Fooled at least a few of ya! The
comments are pretty priceless, and are well worth checking out! Although anonymous #2 has obviously got some internal issues to work out, (s)he does bring up a good point. I love sailing with other people. However, notifying the whole crew of good conditions is a daunting task, especially when time is limited and you just want to hit the water. I think the
forum is a great way to spread up to date information, especially since a few of us can post directly from our cell phones. I do my best to update the forum anytime someone calls me with a report, and I'm near a computer. If we all put forth a tiny bit of effort to keep it updated, then all is well and info is readily available. I would suggest that if you are available to go sailing, and want to know where everyone is, just check the forum. So, anon #2, I apologize for not calling you about my imaginary session. And maybe the next time we meet, you can apologize to me for judging me so harshly... Although, the bellyache I got from laughing so hard was worth whatever bad juju you sent my way!
On to yesterday's beautiful, warm, SW sunset sesh! A handful of us convened at the Hole to sail the brutally gusty, shifty winds. Personally, I went through 3 combinations of board and sail in an hour, before I just settled on being overpowered on my 5.0 and small board! Got some fun freestyling in, and bonked my head pretty well to end the evening. Anne snapped off a few pics of the action! Thanks, Anne!
Unknown blazes a path
Jim M gets tricky
Traffic Jam
It's a good thing I stretch a lot...
Keith lays it on rail
It's cranking NE right now, I'll probably post a Lighthouse report later this evening! Maybe I'll even call some people to let 'em know where I'm at...
yeah,i agree when i get somewhere and it looks like fun the last thing i want to do is hit the send button on my phone its much easier to upload a report to a webpage and make everyone find out what its like there.your april fools joke was awesome but i wonder if there isnt some deeper desire there to really wish you were the only one "catch it" so you could tell everyone they missed it
Wow! I shouldn't take the bait, but what the hell... First, sending an email to the forum takes 2 minutes and is included in an unlimited data transfer charge on the cell phone bill. If I were to call everyone I know who lives here and likes to wind/kite/surf and only spent one or two minutes with each person it would take at least 15 minutes... That's a long time.
Now, if you prefer to hear conditions by voice, I'd be down with setting up a phone tree, so that everyone only has to make one or two calls. I'll even take the initiative to set up the tree, but only if everyone agrees to take part. I'll go ahead and bring it up on the forum.
Second, go ahead and search my blog for the word "missed." There's a handy search tool in the top left corner. You'll come up with 5 separate posts. 4 of the usages refer to me missing sessions, or some other random use. Only one use refers to others missing a session that I nabbed, the April fools session, which never actually occurred...
Third, I believe that there are two types of blog readers. Those that are part of the action, and those who just want to know what's happening somewhere that they are not. Therefore, a large percent of my readers are, inherently, people who "missed it" and want to know what there was to "catch." I don't think any of the second group take it personally if I don't call them. Nor would I take it personally if Kevin Pritchard didn't call me the next time Ho'okipa was going off, but I still want to read about it!
Lastly, if you let me know who you are, I will gladly put forth the effort to call you every time I do anything fun, whether it is a 6 am dawn session, a re-rig if the wind builds, a ten minute surf sesh just to get wet in mushy knee high slop, a 34 degree sound sesh, or a 10 knot schlogfest on a paddleboard.
See ya out there!
I agree with Andy,why should he call people or even one person and have them pass on the report.after all why dont you get up early and check the surf or drive around and find the best spot.i bet you wouldnt want to call anyone either. why should Andy have to give reports just cause hes seen it everywhere already.stop being so lazy and get out there and road surf yourself! besides would you want a bunch of people crowding your waves or maybe even showing you up,i dont think so.if i find a good spot i only call someone with a camera so i can post photos of how good it was while you were wondering if it was worth it to drive 50 mi to check it.get out there and road surf like the rest of us!
???? I appreciate your sarcasm, but did you actually read anything I wrote?
did any one catch it at my name sake ego beach fri eve? if ya didnt ya MISSED IT!now i wouldve called but when i went out i had to slog thru some medium sized shore break to climb some head hi set waves to the out side.where on my first tack the wind picked and i started to get stood up on my 5.7 luckily the inside was light enough for some fun bottom/off the top head hi, peaky one hit wonders.thanks for the naish hyprid Andy the board is alot of fun to redirect and its planning all the time.a valid excuse not to call,your on the water,it picks up and your having to much fun to come back to the beach!other wise if your on recon your obligated to call at least one person whether its good or not...Caleb
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