I know I sound like a broken record, but this place is so freakin' windy! Sunday evening,
Drew and I broke rule number one of Hatteras living. We didn't "bring everything" with us when we went to the beach... The flags were hanging limply when we closed up the shop, so we grabbed a few SUPs to catch the lingering chest high swell. By the time I got my big toe in the water, there was a noticeable ripple on the water. By the time I paddled out, saw a set, and turned around to catch a wave, the side offshore wind was sending whitecaps, spray, and knee high chop my way... It turned into full on 5.0 wind in about 5 minutes. These are not the best conditions for paddling around on a 10' log. Had we brought everything, I would have quickly rigged up and sailed, but that wasn't an option, nor was going home to grab sailing gear with only an hour of daylight left. So... we SUPed. It was a learning experience. I'll probably never try it again. If I let my windward rail bobble up even an inch, the board got ripped off the water and sent me flying. I had to CONSTANTLY paddle to keep from drifting out to sea. I only caught two waves. It was very challenging. It was VERY fun.
Dropping in with a gale force head wind (Stuart pic)
Keep that nose down!
And then Monday it blew all afternoon, yet again, out of the North! After work I rigged up my 5.0 and took a freestyle sesh north of Avon. I tried out the helmet cam again, but in all the chop and high wind, it turned out pretty shaky and hard to watch... Maybe I'll sift through the files and grab some highlights, but most of the footage was pretty worthless at first glance.
And right now, guess what? It's STILL windy! the Avon Pier meter is reading gusts up to 47 mph. The building is creaking and groaning. Stuart and I sailed the lighthouse this morning, it was super fun! Way lit up 5.0, powered to the gills on the outside. The waves were just reeling left, but the angles were lined up better than usual so it was easy to get 4 or 5 bottom turns on the same wave! Every time I kicked out, I would look up and realize that I was 150 yards down the beach, again! Super fun, with some huge jumps on the outside, but I was so lit I was mostly trying to keep it on the water and in control...
And the forecast? You guessed it, windy! For the next two or three days straight!
But guess what? I don't care! As of Wednesday afternoon, I'll be sipping rum drinks on the beach in Jamaica! Anne and I are packing up the car to drive to Raleigh tonight for our early am flight tomorrow morning. Once in Jamaica, my only job will be to provide "Best Man" support to my brother Jim, who is
marrying a wonderful woman named Pauline! Wooooooo Hoooooo! I can't wait to hang out with my family and help send my brother into the next phase of his life story!
Chances are, computers will be the last thing on my mind, so be sure to check all the other local's blogs for Hatteras updates in my absence! Looks like they'll have some epic sailing to report!
Seeeeee ya next Tuesday!!!!!!
Hey Andy,
It was good to say Hi yesterday...I realized we'd met in the past but I hadn't known that you were Lost In Hatteras Andy.
I hope and trust you're having a great time in Jah, with a most excellent rum punch!
congrats to your family on the marraige!!. your blog is yet another way for me to keep myself connected to hatteras 'til i get there again. thanks!
chip brooklyn
Good to see you to Michael!
What's up Chip?! I trust all is well with you?
See ya soon!
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