Thursday, September 10, 2009

More North Wind!

Well, I can't believe it, but the North wind has held on... We've been sailing everyday!! It's starting to feel a little chilly- I had to put on an insulated rash guard yesterday... Oh, the terror! hahaha

The wavesailing has had it's ups and downs, so Stuart and I have reverted to the ol' Freestyle to have some guaranteed fun. Last night we ended up running an impromptu SuperCross race against each other. I can't tell you how much fun it was to chase a buddy: he loops, you loop, he spocks, you spock, he duck jibes, you duck jibe... All at top speed, trying to get in front... Fun fun fun!!

Sorry, I've been slacking on the photo/video documentation, but I'll make up for it. Check out this footage from the Reunion Wave Classic. It's a pretty sweet idea for a competition- Invite a handful of pros to a spot with guaranteed insane conditions, team them up with other pros and a handful of local hotshots, and peer judge the whole thing. The PWA has been doing a really good job lately of running some great comps, but they're a little tied down by their sponsors. These grassroots comps don't have the $$ to throw around but they're more free to move around to score the best conditions... so the images that come out of them are almost always just fantastic... But hey, judge for yourself:

Reunion Wave Classic 09_Teaser 2 from Open Ocean Media on Vimeo.

Wo! Pretty sweet, eh?

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