Saturday, June 7, 2008

Torture, I tell you!

Sitting on the beach, taking pictures, is fun. Up to a certain point. With just 6 days until freedom, I'm about to explode. Or implode. Fun sized, ultra clean surf over the last few days has not made it any easier... Add to that equation record high air temperatures, and crystal clear, refreshing 70 degree water (that I can't get into). It's torture, I tell you. Enjoy the pics, and if you'd like to read more of the story, check out Drew's blog!


Catapulting Aaron said...

Damn that does look like a fun little wave!

Carina said...

hey andy! nice surf pics, just think, today or tomorrow my new camera will be here and before you know it you will be back in the water and I will be taking pictures!! everyone will be happy! btw I put a link to your blog on my webpage :)